Genre: Action ,Fantasy
Director: Tim Burton
Starring: Michael Keaton, Jack Nicholson, Kim Basinger
Publisher: Warner Bros.
Rating: 15+

Language: English , Spanish , French , German , Italian , Portuguese
Subtitles:  Korean, English , Portuguese , Spanish , French , German , Italian , Danish , Norwegian , Swedish , Chinese
Aspect ratio: 1.85:1 (16x9 FF)
Audio:  Dolby TrueHD,Dolby Digital 5.1/2.0 ,(Spanish-Castilian)
Running time: 126 mins
Region Code: Blu-ray:A  
Number of disc: 1DISC

+Special Feature+
- Commentary ny director Tim Burton
- On the set with Bob Kane
- Legends of The Dark Knight: the history of Batman
- Shadow of the Bat: the cinematic saga of the Dart Knight Parts 1-3
- Beyond Batman documentary gallery
- 3 Prince Music Video
- The heroes and the villains profile galleries
- Batman: The Complete Robin storyboard sequence
- Theatrical Trailer